Our Impact
CAI’s impact is delivered through projects that use our capacity-building expertise to strengthen health and social services. We lead dozens of active projects, working closely with funders, partners, and clients, and engaging external experts when needed. Projects are staffed by CAI team members with expertise in both the subject matter and the capacity-building strategies that the project utilizes.
New York State Sexual Violence Prevention (SVP) Resource Center
Summary: This project helps agencies in New York State implement community-level primary prevention strategies to reduce the occurrence of sexual violence in priority populations.
New York State WIC Training Center
Summary: This program provides training to a wide range of agency staff to help them deliver high-quality services to families in New York State who rely on the federal WIC program for nutritional support.
New York Trauma-Informed Care Initiative
Summary: This project helps ensure that agencies have the capacity to integrate trauma-informed care into the culture, environment, and services at 20 Federally Qualified Health Centers, health homes, and syringe access programs in New York State.
Summary: This national project helps organizations provide incarcerated people with the tools and support they need to manage substance use disorders before they are released from prison, so that they can self-manage relapse prevention over the long term once they’re released; helps providers engage people both before and after they are released from prison; and equips community-based organizations to be a key resource for people in their first year after release from prison.
Rapid Antiretroviral Treatment Dissemination Assistance Provider (DAP)
Summary: This program helps health care providers initiate antiretroviral treatment (ART) for HIV quickly by identifying the most innovative and effective models for providing rapid ART services and giving health departments and providers tools to replicate them.
Regional Training Center
Summary: This project provides capacity building to nonclinical HIV service providers in New York State to help improve service outcomes in all aspects of HIV care.
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School-Based Health Portfolio Project
Summary: This project helps build the skills and capacity of school-based health staff—as well as staff of other youth-serving organizations—to provide high-quality, evidence-based sexual, reproductive, and mental health care to adolescents.
STOP STDs: Support, Technical Assistance, and Opportunities for Program, Policy, and Communications to Prevent STDs
CAI is engaging community members in several jurisdictions throughout the country to help identify and address disproportionate rates of sexually transmitted infections.
Technical Assistance Provider–innovation network (TAP-in)
Summary: This project provides tailored technical assistance and resources to help key governmental agencies and service providers in 47 jurisdictions in the U.S. reduce new HIV infections.
Tobacco-Free Erie and Niagara Counties
Summary: This project aims to advance tobacco-free communities in Erie and Niagara Counties through education, community mobilization, and policy change in order to reduce the burden of tobacco use and prevent future initiation.