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Presentations from the 2024 NJ Harm Reduction Conference

In May, CAI hosted a daylong harm reduction conference in Newark, NJ, in partnership with the NJ Department of Health. More than 100 attendees engaged in dynamic discussions, heard informative presentations led by experts in the field, and connected with colleagues in harm reduction during this free event.

Opening remarks

Featuring Dr. Kaitlan Baston, MD, MSc, DFSAM, NJ Commissioner of Health


Starting Where the Client Is: Harm Reduction Practice with People Who Use Drugs

Sheila Vakharia, PhD, MSW, Deputy Director, Research and Academic Engagement, Drug Policy Alliance


MOUD as a Harm Reduction Strategy: Current Opportunities and Challenges

  • Amesika Nyaku, Assistant Professor, Rutgers New Jersey Medical School
  • Heather Ogden, Agency Analyst and Linkage to Care Coordinator, NJ Department of Health
  • Georgett Shelton, President and CEO, South Jersey AIDS Alliance


Safer Smoking in Harm Reduction

Jim Duffy, Director, Smoke Works


Community Engagement and Innovative Practices – Lessons from OnPoint NYC

  • Sam Rivera, Executive Director
  • Terrell Jones, Outreach and Advocacy Program Manager
  • Brandon Munoz, Associate Director of Outreach and Public Safety
  • Jason Beltre, Director of Community Initiatives and Impact


To learn about CAI’s work in harm reduction and trauma-informed care in New Jersey, contact Beth Hurley, NJ Trauma-Informed Care Project Director: