HIV Trainings Offered by CAI Projects

The trainings listed below are open to staff of health care agencies and other HIV service organizations. We also provide a wide variety of training to organizations that are engaged with CAI on broader, capacity-building projects.

To learn more about our training programs and how CAI works with health care and social service organizations, contact us:

Online classes for HIV service providers

The National Classroom Learning Center (NHCLC) provides training and resources to help health care agencies reduce new HIV infections by implementing interventions that are evidence based and supported by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). See a list of current NHCLC course descriptions and register for upcoming NHCLC trainings.

Monthly webinars to help jurisdictions strengthen Ending the HIV Epidemic plans

The Technical Assistance Provider-innovation network (TAP-in) collaborates with the EHE Systems Coordination Provider to hold monthly webinars on topics including substance use disorders and Rapid ART and makes archived webinars available online. See a list of archived TAP-in webinars and register to attend upcoming trainings.

Training for HIV service agencies in New York State

Leadership training for peers

The Leadership Training Institute (LTI) at CAI builds knowledge, skills, and self-efficacy among people who are living with HIV or hepatitis C (treated or cured), using PrEP, and accessing harm-reduction services to manage their health effectively. See a list of upcoming LTI trainings on the project’s website.


If you have questions about training that may be available to your organization, please contact us.